Andrew Hudson

POSITION: Vice President & Chief Administration Officer
EMAIL: ahudson@mragroup.net
PHONE: 215.449.2442
Andrew Hudson brings over 20 years of strategic planning and executive leadership experience to the senior leadership team at MRA Group (MRA). Serving as the Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, Andy’s primary mission is to empower team members to fulfill their individual responsibilities while effectively managing the overall direction and health of the organization. His previous experience includes executive leadership positions in non-profit, construction and healthcare. With his diverse background, Andy brings a wealth of knowledge, team building and core leadership competencies that MRA Group deeply appreciates.
While Andy holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, he attributes his childhood years in Kenya, East Africa to building the foundational principles from which he built a life and career. In addition, he believes life experiences, both successes and failures bring the greatest opportunities for honest conversation, growth and character development. Andy strongly holds to MRA’s credo “do well to do good.”
Andy resides in Ambler, Pennsylvania and is the proud father of five children.